May 31, 2013

March 31, 2013

March 29, 2013

  • ~~~

    from the hideaway
    wishing all a very special Good Friday ~~~
    love & blessings

March 26, 2013

March 3, 2013

December 25, 2012


    both gift

     here at the hideaway we wish all  a very blessed Christmas

     & a gift hidden in your soul you have not opened yet ~~~

    gift 2

     love & peace ~~~



    angels in my garden 12/2012


December 11, 2012

  • to the contrary

    i thought i had writer's block this past year but in fact after examining that theory i had too much to write about  it all got bunched up ... so i am back so my plate says ... that too has a story  ... it has been a season of great loss great gain great pain & greater miracles  ... i am now an orphan as i lost my earth father Gail last month but that too was miraculous ,... more later 
    so maybe it is time to write again ...  i believe i left off  my daily entry when my neighbor was shot 
    blessings to all

October 8, 2012

  • pure _magic



        PG at night


    Pearly Gate Morning Glory    ( 6 inches in diameter )

    bloomed 10/5/2012 


    i am about ready to do some writing here ...  i took a year or so more or less in the silence  ...  hopefully with the recent shift  it is time to share again  ... 

     the prodigal Xangan

    blessings to all




August 30, 2012

August 29, 2012

  • guardian


    deep in the woods on the trail to the top

    tree angels watch over those walking the narrow path  ~~~

    have a blessed day



    pick  walking trail 4 mile loop  Blueridge Parkway

    08 26  2012